Newsletter – JUNE 2024
Dear King’s School Community,
This term our Biblical worldview focus will be on SERVANT HOOD. This theme will help us understand that we were meant to live in harmony with one another. In order to do this, our relationship with God, our heavenly Father must be restored.
The key verse for this theme is, 1 Jn 4: 20 If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a fellow believer, that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we cannot see?
The children will learn that God is forgiving and that He delights in us. They will learn that God created man to live together in harmony, in devotion and service to each other, in families and in nations.
Eph 4: 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
This verse of scripture also reminds us of our responsibility to show kindness to people who are fellow travellers in this world of ours.
We ask that you as parents, partner with us, as we teach and model these values for our children to see and follow in our steps.
Dates to Diarise
9 August 2024
Woman’s Day
27 August 2024
10 September
Arts & Culture Eve
17 & 18 September
Parent Consultations
19 September
School Musical
20 September
School closes @ 11am
Newsletter – May 2024
Dear King’s School Community, Welcome to the Heart of Autum! As we stride into the vibrant heart of Autumn, we are excited to share with you the wonderful events, accomplishments, and updates that have coloured our community this season. It’s been a bustling time filled with learning, growth, and engagement, reflecting the richness of the changing leaves around us.
The Grade 7 class will be starting exams on 20th May and the Gr 4 – 6 classes will start on 24 May 2024. The teachers have been busy preparing the pupils for this all-important task that lies ahead of them.
Whilst we believe they will all do their best and produce the desired results, which we can all be proud of, we must remember that it will require commitment, dedication, and significant effort from all to achieve an outstanding result.
Parents, you have a role to play. Your child must come to school regularly and on-time, check that the homework, projects, assignments are done and handed in on time and do not hesitate to contact the class/ subject teacher when necessary.
We have also sent out notification of webinars hosted by ELEVATE STUDY programme. All parents have access to attend these sessions as per the scheduled dates. The class teachers regularly send these out to their class address group. ELEVATE also does study skills programs without Gr 5’s and Gr 7’s, once a term. All this to assist and upskill our pupils so that they can reach their potential.
Dates to Diarise
9 May
Ascension Day
20 May
Gr 7 Exams begin
24 May
Gr 4 – 6 Exams begin
29 May Voting Day
School will be closed
5 June
Exams finish
12 & 13 June
Parent Consultations
14 June
School closes @ 11am
9 July
3rd Term begins.